Dislocations. Studies in literature and other discourses of the 19th century

28 September 2022

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ISBN-13 (15)


The book Dislocations. Studies in Literature and Other Discourses of the Nineteenth Century addresses a range of issues related to nineteenth-century literary circulation with particular emphasis on literary works and journalistic and memorial texts. Assuming that the transmission of ideas and lifestyles in this era took a much more dynamic shape than in the pre-modern era, the author tries to diagnose the forms of experience typical of the nineteenth century. This period became a time of "great change," at least for some individuals and social groups, when old forms of existence collapsed and new ones only gradually emerged. Other communities experienced these changes to little or no extent. Due to the impossibility of synthesis, this characteristic coexistence of tradition and change is treated in the monograph from the point of view of case studies.

Author Biography

Wacław Forajter, University of Silesia in Katowice

Dr  hab., ur. 1976 r., pracownik Instytutu Literaturoznawstwa na Wydziale Humanistycznym Uniwersytetu Śląskiego. Historyk literatury końca XIX i początku XX wieku, krytyk, tłumacz z języka francuskiego. Autor trzech monografii i kilkudziesięciu rozpraw naukowych. Publikował w „Tekstach Drugich”, „Pamiętniku Literackim”, „Przeglądzie Humanistycznym”, „Wieku XIX” i w „Wielogłosie”. Interesuje się teorią postkolonialną, badaniami nad środkami transportu, antropologią i historią kultury XIX wieku. [28.09.2022]


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