The House of Vasa and The House of Austria. Correspondence from the Years 1587 to 1668. Part II: The Times of Władysław IV, 1632–1648

17 stycznia 2025

Szczegóły dotyczące monografii

ISBN-13 (15)


The published correspondence reveals the dimension of cooperation and the community of dynastic, political, cultural, and religious interests between the House of Vasa and the House of Austria. It provides the basis for analyzing mutual relations in terms of affinity, emulation, and rivalry. Editing the letters creates a kind of catalog showcasing the role and identity of the Vasas in the extensive European cultural and political context and can serve as a starting point for further studies. One of the most important instruments through which we can observe and analyze these processes is the letters exchanged between members of both dynasties. Royal letters with signatures, seals, and their content are a lasting testament to the presence and role of Poland in European culture in the early modern era.

Research financed by the Minister for Science and Higher Education
through the National Programme for the Development of Humanities
No. 12H 11 0017 80

Biogram autora

Ryszard Skowron (ed.)

Emerytowany Profesor Uniwersytetu Śląskiego. W latach 2003–2023 kierownik Zakładu Historii Nowożytnej w Instytucie Historii Uniwersytetu Śląskiego w Katowicach. Zainteresowania badawcze: historia dyplomacji i stosunków międzynarodowych w epoce nowożytnej, relacje polsko-hiszpańskie w XVI i XVII wieku, związki Wazów z Habsburgami, ceremoniał i dwór królewski, dzieje Wawelu, edycja źródeł. [02.09.2024]

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