Transformations of knowledge in cyberculture. Research on culture, communication, knowledge, and media

1 June 2022
Print ISSN

Details about this monograph

ISBN-13 (15)


The presence of new technologies and media in the everyday life of modern man affects not only culture, communication and social relations, but also our cognitive processes, perception and understanding of the world. These changes are significant, but often overlooked - we lose sight of the most important, in an evolutionary sense, although subtle, transformations of ways of thinking. It is worth examining how cybercultural knowledge practices have evolved in relation to earlier forms of collecting, organising and sharing knowledge, and how conceptualisations of the concepts of the knowledge pyramid have changed: data, information, knowledge, wisdom. What is the knowledge of the digital age, ubiquitous sensors and networking? Are we really getting smarter by constantly collecting data from our environment? We look at the evolution of digital memory, artificial intelligence, the algorithmisation of cognition and the wikification of knowledge, as well as the scientific ordering of the chaos of ubiquitous data using big data, cultural analytics and social networks. The book shows the cybercultural transformations of knowledge and its conceptualisation in the interdisciplinary perspective of cultural, communication, knowledge and media studies.

Author Biography

Anna Maj, University of Silesia in Katowice

Doktor, kulturoznawca, medioznawca, komunikolog. Adiunkt w Instytucie Nauk o Kulturze Uniwersytetu Śląskiego w Katowicach, badaczka związana z sieciami naukowymi: Inter-Disciplinary Net (Oxford) i Cultmedia (Berlin). Autorka monografii Media w podróży (Wydawnictwo Naukowe ExMachina), redaktor naukowy 6 anglojęzycznych (Inter-Disciplinary Press, Rodopi, Brill) i 4 polskojęzycznych monografii wieloautorskich z zakresu nowych mediów, komunikacji kulturowej i sztuki cyfrowej. W trakcie pisania tej książki została mamą najpierw syna – Mikołaja, a później córki – Marianny. [16.05.2022]


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