Co-production of social services as a source of personal and social productivity of older people. A sociological study on the example of the beneficiaries of the Multiannual Programme “Senior+”

15 May 2023

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ISBN-13 (15)


The presented volume is the author’s proposal of a sociological description of the phenomenon of co-production of social services as a source of personal and social productivity of older people. The main conceptual axis of the study, which defines its cognitive goal, is an attempt to link the idea of co-production of social services with the productivity of older people, indicating the potential relations occurring between these phenomena. According to the author’s knowledge, both in Poland and abroad, no analyses in this area have been conducted so far, not only within sociology, but also within other sciences. Therefore, the theoretical aim of the study was to describe and rank the concepts constituting the backbone and filling in the presented theoretical perspective, such as co-production, personal and social productivity of the older persons, social services, human capital and social capital. The conceptual analysis carried out resulted in the development of the author’s operational framework for the services organised and provided under the “Senior+” Multiannual Programme, showing how co-production of older people, based on the use of their human and social capital, generates their personal and social productivity. Therefore, it can be considered that the publication is a direct response to the persistent deficit of comprehensive studies in this area in the Polish scientific space.

Author Biography

Grzegorz Gawron, University of Silesia in Katowice

Socjolog, adiunkt w Instytucie Socjologii Uniwersytetu Śląskiego w Katowicach. Autor i redaktor kilkudziesięciu publikacji naukowych z zakresu gerontologii społecznej, CSR, społecznego zastosowania designu. Kierownik i uczestnik licznych projektów naukowo-badawczych oraz prelegent kilkudziesięciu krajowych i międzynarodowych konferencji. Ekspert MRiPS w ramach Programów ASOS i Aktywni+. Konsultant Światowej Organizacji Zdrowia (WHO) ds. inicjatyw społecznych wspierających osoby starsze w LMICs. [15.05.2023]


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