A post-song about the works of the great Polish Romantics (Mickiewicz, Słowacki, Krasiński) with an elderly classicist (Koźmian) in the background

14 February 2022

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ISBN-13 (15)


The term “swan song” used in the title is explained in the Foreword, which also contains the conviction that we have so far emphasised Romantic individualism too much, while nowadays, in the times of social relations dominated by leaders managing conflict (divide et impera), we should reassure the participants of cultural life that the Romantics also talked with the classics, and not only argued with them or fought with them – aesthetically, ethically, politically and socially. They also conducted a dialogue with each other, although sometimes the dispute became so heated that it looked like a duel. Romanticism will remain with us, sometimes as a warning, as long as we update our knowledge of this epoch and its creators.
The publication consists of seven chapters very diversified in terms of subject and genre (there are essayistic statements, a classical historical-literary treatise and a scientific review of an important monograph...). Somewhat in the background, the book also reveals the backstage of the workshop of a scientist, humanist and erudite writer experienced in many years of research and writing practice...

Honorary patronage

Author Biography

Marek Piechota, University of Silesia in Katowice

Pracuje w Uniwersytecie Śląskim w Katowicach od 44 lat, ostatnio w Instytucie Literaturoznawstwa na Wydziale Humanistycznym. Interesuje się twórczością wielkich romantyków polskich (Mickiewicz, Słowacki, Krasiński) i premodernisty Norwida. Ogłasza też interpretacje wierszy od Kochanowskiego po Szymborską. Jest autorem kilkunastu książek, współautorem kilku, redaktorem i współredaktorem kolejnych kilkunastu. Napisał ponad 100 prac stricte naukowych oraz ponad 120 prac popularnonaukowych i leksykograficznych. Wypromował blisko 350 magistrów i 10 doktorów. [20.10.2021]


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