Foundations of Animal Law. Concepts ‒ Principles ‒ Dilemmas

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30 January 2023

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ISBN-13 (15)


The book is an essay in general jurisprudence exploring the philosophical, ethical and doctrinal foundations of the emerging field of legal regulation – animal law. The book focuses on the critical exposition of the current legal framework of animal protection.  A comparative approach allows to identify the basic concepts and principles that underpin legal regulations concerning animal protection of the contemporary legal systems. It provides a valuable presentation of what the present model of animal law really is highlighting the dilemmas faced by its further development. It gives the book a unique and original perspective based on a comperehensive examination of the relevant laws in Poland, Europe and elsewhere.

Author Biography

Tomasz Pietrzykowski, University of Silesia in Katowice

Tomasz Pietrzykowski, Doctor of Juridical Science, is Associate Professor in the Faculty of Law and Administration at the University of Silesia in Katowice and the Head of the Research Centre for Public Policy and Regulatory Governance. His research interests include the questions of theory and philosophy of law, in particular bioethics, legal regulations in the field of medicine, and legal protection of animals. He published, among others, Naturalism and the Frontiers of Legal Science (2021), Personhood Beyond Humanism: Animals, Autonomous Agents and the Law (2019), Ujarzmianie Lewiatana. Szkice o idei rządów prawa [Taming the Leviathan: Essays on the Idea of the Rule of Law] (2014), Intuicja prawnicza. W stronę zewnętrznej integracji teorii prawa [Legal Intuition: Towards External Integration of Legal Theory] (2012), Etyczne problemy prawa [The Ethical Problems in Law] (2011). He is the Chair of the National Ethics Committee for Animal Experimentation and the council chairman of the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange, as well as the deputy chairman of the Bioethics Committee of the Silesian Medical Chamber, formerly also of the Bioethics Committee at the Medical University of Silesia. The President of Arbitration Court at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Katowice. [22.02.2023]


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