„Enactments of Life”: The Short Stories of Nadine Gordimer

11 October 2023

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ISBN-13 (15)

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ISBN-13 (15)


“Enactments of Life”: The Short Stories of Nadine Gordimer concentrates on Nadine Gordimer’s short fiction, beginning with her earliest works and ending with those published in the last years of her life. Gordimer’s stories are discussed in the context of her novels, essays, interviews, and archival material. It is argued that Gordimer saw writing as “an enactment of life,” whose aim is to explore the experiential, dynamic, and fragmentary truth about people living in her times. The first monograph entirely devoted to Gordimer’s stories, this book will give its readers insight into Gordimer’s development as a writer and public intellectual, showing how her artistic and political evolution is reflected in her short fiction.

Author Biography

Marek Pawlicki, University of Silesia in Katowice

Literaturoznawca, doktor nauk humanistycznych, od 2016 r. adiunkt w Instytucie Literaturoznawstwa Uniwersytetu Śląskiego w Katowicach, absolwent filologii angielskiej Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego i studiów doktoranckich na Wydziale Filologicznym UJ. W 2012 r. obronił pracę poświęconą twórczości J.M. Coetzeego, która została wydana pod tytułem Between Illusionism and Anti-Illusionism: Self-Reflexivity in the Chosen Works of J.M. Coetzee. Jest autorem esejów i artykułów na temat literatury południowoafrykańskiej, brytyjskiej i irlandzkiej. [3.10.2023]


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