Introduction to Croatian Literature and Its Polish Reception. Part 2: The Reception of Croatian Literature in Poland 1970–2010

14 November 2023

Details about this monograph

ISBN-13 (15)


The second part of a new publishing series titled Introduction to Croatian Literature and its Polish Reception is devoted to the reception of Croatian literature and culture in Poland in 1970-2010. It is a continuation of Introduction to Contemporary Croatian Literature (1970-2010), the first part of the series, written by Krešimir Bagić and translated by Leszek Małczak. This time the view of literary works, as the title reveals, is presented from the Polish perspective. This is a one-of-a-kind study that reveals two worlds of translated literature before and after 1989 that are governed by completely different rules. The author considers the problems of the reception of Croatian literature in Poland in the broad context of translations from other languages with the demonstration of the mechanisms operating at the time in the sphere of interliterary relations. In a review of the publication, Professor Krystyna Pieniążek-Marković notes, among other things, that the book is an absorbing story about Polish cultural and political realities, cultural policy (or lack thereof). The entire period under study is divided into four parts, which are successive decades: the 1970s, 1980s, 1990s and 2000s. The book includes a bibliography of translations, biographies of Croatian writers and information on the translators. An important element of the publication is its graphic design, which through the visual aspect enriches the content and creates a more complete picture of the reception of Croatian literature in Poland.

Author Biography

Leszek Małczak, University of Silesia in Katowice

Literaturoznawca i przekładoznawca, kroatysta i slawista, redaktor naczelny pisma „Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich”, redaktor serii wydawniczej Biblioteka Przekładów Literatur Słowiańskich. Zajmuje się przede wszystkim literaturą i kulturą chorwacką; jego zainteresowania naukowe skupiają się wokół: fenomenu regionalizmu, chorwacko-polskich i polsko-chorwackich kontaktów kulturalnych, komparatystyki literackiej i kulturowej oraz historii, teorii i praktyki przekładu. Od 2015 roku redaguje portal [13.11.2023]


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