Traces of Gratitude – Inspirations for Cultural Education Preserved in 20th-Century Personal Document Literature

5 March 2024
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ISBN-13 (15)


The reconstruction of the experience of participation in culture preserved in the 20th-century personal document literature has become a foundation for a theoretical study of relational culture and challenges for cultural education. In accordance with the imperative of the new humanities, the author uses the research results to outline a possible scope of practical applications by defining cultural education and highlighting its functions for the processes of personal development and cultural formation. The suggestion stipulated in this book, which can be put into practice as part of cultural education, is the act of shaping the ability to express gratitude. The author emphasises literature as an effective factor in this formative process.

The analytical part of the work presents a comprehensive reconstruction of the dialogical relationships in the community of editors of the most important 20th-century magazines: Jerzy Giedroyć, Józef Sadzik, Jerzy Turowicz, Zygmunt Mycielski, and Barbara Toruńczyk. Those people, who were professionally involved in a common circle of Polish culture, valued mutual kindness over business competitivity and political or worldview-related divisions. In the empirical part of the study, the dialogical reconstructions are referred to significant creative experiences based on the correspondence of Thomas Merton and Czesław Miłosz, Józef Czapski and Zygmunt Mycielski, Józef Czapski and Janusz Marciniak, and Iosif Brodski and Czesław Miłosz. This approach has made it possible to elicit the relational qualities of the creative process. Moreover, an important category of gratitude has emerged from the study. The author suggests that the concept of gratitude should be considered as the connective tissue of relational culture in cultural education design.


Author Biography

Dorota Sieroń, University of Silesia in Katowice

Dr hab., prof. UŚ, zajmuje się edukacją kulturalną w badaniach nad literaturą dokumentu osobistego XX wieku. Rekonstruując doświadczenia uczestnictwa w kulturze utrwalone w listach, wspomnieniach, dziennikach, badaczka poszukuje warunków, które sprzyjają rozwojowi jednostki upodmiotowionej. W założeniu perspektywa historyczna służyć ma wytyczaniu konstruktywnych rozwiązań, które mogą być inspiracją w projektowaniu edukacji kulturalnej podejmowanej zarówno przez osoby (np. w ramach tutoringu), jak i programowo przez  jednostki oświatowe i instytucje kultury.

Autorka książki Moment osobisty. Stempowski, Czapski, Miłosz (Wydawnictwo UŚ, Katowice  2013) oraz współautorka (wraz z Łukaszem Galuskiem) monografii Pogranicze. O odradzaniu się kultury (Kolegium Europy Wschodniej im. Jana Nowaka Jeziorańskiego, Wrocław 2012). [5.10.2023]


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