
12 March 2024
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ISBN-13 (15)

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ISBN-13 (15)


We are asking how the practice of philology is possible and what are the ways of understanding literary scholarship today. We are moving along two paths. Following first of them, we conceive of literature as a mode of circulating knowledge and certain concepts of the world; the other teaches us that literature transmits also ways of living and reflection upon how we live. This reflection is always mediated by language, hence the purpose of our approach and the practice of –U– is to perform a nuanced study of words to demonstrate meanings which have been forgotten or deliberately passed by in order to help establish a certain vision of life and society. Philology is a formative instrument of the science of living-together. As Werner Hamacher has put it: “Philology fights in a world civil war for language and for the world against the industrial manufacture of language and of the world.”

Author Biography

Tadeusz Sławek, University of Silesia in Katowice

Polonista i anglista związany z Uniwersytetem Śląskim od 1971 roku, rektor Uniwersytetu w latach 1996–2002. Zajmuje się historią literatury angielskie i amerykańskiej, literaturą porównawczą, Kafka. Życie w przestrzeni bez rozstrzygnięć (2019), Śladem zwierząt. O dochodzeniu do siebie (2020), Umysł rozstrojony. Próby o trylogii księżycowej Jerzego Żuławskiego (2020), A jeśli nie trzeba się uczyć (2021), Furia i szlachetniejszy rozum. Próby o Burzy Williama Szekspira (2022). Wraz z kontrabasistą Bogdanem Mizerskim autor i wykonawca esejów na głos i kontrabas. [14.11.2023]


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