Bycie w terenie / Being out in the land / Estar en el terreno

22 February 2022

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You are warmly invited to think about rootedness through a book on the experience of place and being out in the land. We are heading towards the land led not so much by methodological determinations of the land as a category in ethnological research, but by philosophers’ creed where man is a localised being; moreover, what is human is extracted by means of being in a place which binds the orders of spacetime, of landscape, the orders locating us "here and now,” the domestic and rooting orders, but also those questioning our certainty about location, turning home into ruin. Place introduces into the domestic traces of the indescribable, the inscrutable, the indefinite. Place – materially, socially and spiritually capacious – focuses on the land as an area of the Earth, which unveils in man the sensation of enormity, the feeling of blending in and the will to co-create; but the land also becomes an area of our activity and, at the same time, a stage for nature/culture activity; the land is what is open, unveiled in a place, it cannot be ignored, it is extracted from humans during their response to the land, it exposes humans in their being in the land.

Author Biography

Aleksandra Kunce (red.), University of Silesia in Katowice

Profesor nauk humanistycznych w Instytucie Nauk o Kulturze Uniwersytetu Śląskiego w Katowicach, prowadzi badania kulturoznawcze, lecz także z pogranicza antropologii, literaturoznawstwa, filozofii kultury, koncentrując się na problematyce człowieka lokalnego, na sile umiejscowienia i doświadczania miejsca, a także na oikologii jako nauce (o) domu.

Autorka książek: Tożsamość i postmodernizm (2003), Myśleć Śląsk (współautor Zbigniew Kadłubek, 2007), Antropologia punktów. Rozważania przy tekstach Ryszarda Kapuścińskiego (2008), Oikologia. Nauka o  domu (współautorzy: Tadeusz Sławek i Zbigniew Kadłubek, 2013), Into the Noise. Anthropological and Aesthetic Discourses in Public Sphere (współautor: Maria Popczyk, 2013); Człowiek lokalny. Rozważania umiejscowione (2016); Being at Home in the Place: The Philosophy of Localness (2019), Oikologia. Powrót (współautor: Tadeusz Sławek, 2020). W 2016 roku otrzymała nagrodę The Arts in Society International Award for Excellence (USA) za publikację The Philosophy of Localness and the Arts. [22.02.2022]


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