Where Home Meets the World. Four Essays on Mindfulness in Life

31 October 2022

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A small thing: four oikological essays, preceded by an introductory word, on our entanglement in the “home-world.”

If we were to take the title as the question, “Where does the home meet the world?”, the answer would be: “In the points that require our attentiveness of life.” Attentiveness requires discipline and precision, and it is not only about precision in actions and observations, but about our being at home and in the world, in the changing rhythms of being rooted and wandering. Being mindful guides us towards a place, and concern extends over time to finally lead us home. Home is a peculiar time(lessness); it is a dynamically understood and open place that allows us to direct our desire to what is distant, inconceivable, and unimaginable. When we say ‘home,’ we do not mean a familiar and closed stronghold but a home rooted in the idea of the cosmos. It corresponds also to the idea of Heimat. The four points of contact between home and the world are found through (1) the humanities, (2) man, (3) friendship with the place, and (4) the university. The four oikological essays look into the entanglements, overlaps, but also the truest lack of the indeterminate at the boundary of home, around the threshold that symbolically not only testifies to the boundary in rituals, but delineates the space of attentiveness. At these points where home meets the world, our entanglement in the "home-world" is brought out.

Author Biography

Aleksandra Kunce, University of Silesia in Katowice

Profesor nauk humanistycznych w Instytucie Nauk o Kulturze w Uniwersytecie Śląskim. Prowadzi badania kulturoznawcze oraz z pogranicza antropologii, literaturoznawstwa, filozofii kultury, koncentrując się na problematyce człowieka lokalnego, na sile umiejscowienia i doświadczania miejsca, a także na oikologii jako nauce (o) domu.

Autorka książek: Tożsamość i postmodernizm (2003); Myśleć Śląsk (współautor: Zbigniew Kadłubek, 2007); Antropologia punktów. Rozważania przy tekstach Ryszarda Kapuścińskiego (2008); Oikologia. Nauka o domu (współautorzy: Tadeusz Sławek i Zbigniew Kadłubek, 2013); Into the Noise. Anthropological and Aesthetic Discourses in Public Sphere (współautor: Maria Popczyk, 2013); Człowiek lokalny. Rozważania umiejscowione (2016); Being at Home in the Place. The Philosophy of Localness (2019); Oikologia. Powrót (współautor: Tadeusz Sławek, 2020). W 2016 roku otrzymała nagrodę The Arts in Society International Award for Excellence (USA) za publikację The Philosophy of Localness and the Arts. [10.10.2022]


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