The Shadow Touches Me. Poems and Prose

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Krystiana Robb-Narbutt is one of the most inspiring and at the same time least known Polish-Jewish artists and poets of the 20th and 21st centuries. She created prints, installations and objects, as well as miniature prose and poems. She exhibited them at Kordegarda and Zachęta, among other venues. In March 1968, she was sentenced to prison for participating in protests and distributing leaflets. The subjects of her work were biography and imagination. The book contains all of Robb-Narbutt’s poems and prose deciphered from manuscripts, as well as their critical consideration. They are supplemented by the voices of literary and art critics as well as friends of the artist.
Recenzja książki ukazała się w czasopiśmie „Nowe Książki” 11/2023 (Sławomir Buryła: Dotyk anioła, s. 18-19).