The world of avifauna VI in Polish and Czech translations of the Holy Bible (Sparrow)

16 April 2024

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ISBN-13 (15)


The aim of the monograph is to draw attention to the translational aspects of Czech and Polish terminology in biblical translations, primarily in the field of the conceptual category of birds (sparrow). Two important translational issues will be described, namely, “whether” and, above all, “how” the translator changes, modifies, adapts or enriches the language of translation. A confrontative-comparative analysis, mostly focused on ornithofauna, will show us how differently a translator or team of translators of the Holy Scripture texts uses a wide range of avifaunistic terminology in the 24 biblical verses I have studied, both in the Old and New Testaments.

Patronat honorowy

Towarzystwo Biblijne w Polsce

Author Biography

Lubomír Hampl, University of Silesia in Katowice

PhDr, PhD, prof. ATH a bohemist of a linguist, He works at the Institute of Linguistics at the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Silesia in Katowice. Main interests: phraseology, linguistic picture of the world, national stereotypes (meta-; auto- and heretostereotypes), religious language, the situation of contemporary Czech and Polish. At present he conducts comparative-cognitive research devoted to the problems of translation, language interferences and lexical units of Czech and Polish language, as well as diversity of linguistic picture of the world taking into account semantic and conceptual attributes of native language. Recently published work: Birds in Czech and Polish phraseology. Conceptualisation – picture – reflection (2012); The world of avifauna in Polish and Czech translations of the Holy Bible – owls and swallows (2013); The world of avifauna II in Polish and Czech translations of scripture – pure and impure birds (2014); The world of bird life III in Polish and Czech translations of the Holy Bible – the corvidae family – jackdaws, crows, ravens, rooks, jays (2016); The world of bird life IV in Polish and Czech translations of the Holy Bible – stork, ibis, pelican (2018) and The world of bird life V in Polish and Czech translations of the Holy Bible – crane and ostrich (2020). The issues related to to the didactic and pansophic issues of John Amos Comenius are also important to him. [16.04.2024]


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