Cultural Memory and the Symptoms of Trauma. The Idea of Homeland in Bulgarian Poetry After 1989

14 December 2023

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ISBN-13 (15)


The main aim of the monograph is a multifaceted interpretation of the idea of homeland in post-1989 Bulgarian lyric poetry through the prism of the concepts of cultural memory and trauma. According to the adopted model, poetic texts are carriers of cultural and traumatic memory and thus delimit the space in which memory is the object of creation, affirmation, and community consensus. Within the framework of the lyrical dialogue with literary tradition, there is a reconstruction, restoration, or revision of traditional notions of the native. The attitude to the Bulgarian homeland manifested in the lyric is explained in broad historical, social, cultural, and literary contexts. The problematization of the idea of homeland refers mainly to the themes of the Bulgarian (post)transformation's traumatic character and ideological polyphony.

Author Biography

Dorota Gołek-Sepetliewa, University of Silesia in Katowice

Bułgarystka, literaturoznawczyni. Absolwentka slawistyki na Uniwersytecie Jagiellońskim. Od 2005 roku zatrudniona na Uniwersytecie Śląskim w Katowicach, obecnie w Instytucie Literaturoznawstwa. Wielokrotnie odbywała staże badawcze w Bułgarii na uniwersytetach w Sofii, Płowdiwie i Wielkim Tyrnowie. Autorka publikacji z zakresu historii literatury bułgarskiej XX i XXI wieku ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem liryki oraz dyskursu pamięciowego i tożsamościowego. [27.09.2023]


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