A model for a system for managing individual scientific knowledge in the humanities

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In a world of information overload, a daily challenge for researchers is to find and select materials, organize subject literature and their own notes. The proposed model of a personal scientific knowledge management system suggests how to manage scientific knowledge, how to organize one's own scientific knowledge space, what digital tools to implement into the research workshop to effectively use the collected research material and create new knowledge in the humanities. The system consists of basic and complementary elements - processes, activities and tools for managing personal scientific knowledge. Examples of computer programs, their functions and capabilities in knowledge management are given.
Recenzja książki ukazała się w czasopiśmie „Forum Akademickie” 11/2024 (Anna Jawor: Nowe wartości; recenzja dostępna pod adresem: https://miesiecznik.forumakademickie.pl/czasopisma/fa-11-2024/nowe-wartosci%e2%80%a9/)