Well-being in the context of foreign language education: The perspective of the student and the teacher of glottodidactics

1 August 2024

Details about this monograph

ISBN-13 (15)


The monograph presents an analysis of well-being in the context of foreign language education. The authors have conducted research that focuses on the subjective experience of life satisfaction, encompassing both educators and students. They delve into how well-being influences educational success, emotions, the capacity for empathy, and effective communication. The primary aim of this book is to underscore the importance of well-being in the process of teaching foreign languages, particularly in the face of challenging circumstances that can impact the overall quality of education. Furthermore, this publication also aims to create a platform for reflection and discussions regarding the significance of well-being in education, along with its numerous advantages, notably in higher education and specialized language instruction institutions.

Author Biographies

Danuta Gabryś-Barker, University of Silesia in Katowice

Emerytowany pracownik badawczo-dydaktyczny w Instytucie Językoznawstwa Uniwersytetu Śląskiego w Katowicach. Prowadzi badania z zakresu psycholingwistyki stosowanej, przyswajania języków oraz wielojęzyczności. Przez wiele lat pracy na Uczelni zajmowała się również kształceniem przyszłych nauczycieli języków obcych. [17.06.2024]

Ryszard Kalamarz, University of Silesia in Katowice

Anglista, lektor, autor publikacji poświęconych glottodydaktyce i e-learningowi akademickiemu, certyfikowany metodyk zdalnego nauczania i akredytowany praktyk tutoringu. [17.06.2024]


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