The Aesthetics of the Film Image. Research Sketches
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“The Aesthetics of the Film Image. Research Sketches” is an attempt to reveal and reconstruct the esoteric peculiarity of the film image, i.e. the quality of aesthetic values. We operate on many research levels and it is worth asking whether a clear definition of the quality of the aesthetic values of a film image is possible? The point here is to formulate the "presenting visuality" of the film image. Which peculiarities of the film image are the source and which in the recipient's perceptual awareness appear as "present", i.e. as objects of cognition? The source of cognition is embedded as the cause – the stimulus – of the screen event, which manifests itself in the searching thought of the recipient of the film work. The philosophical sources of this singularity lie somewhere deep in metaphysical spaces, but they are the most hidden and at the same time perceptible.
Stowarzyszenie Filmowców Polskich
Polski Instytut Sztuki Filmowej
Polskie Towarzystwo Badań nad Filmem i Mediami
Śląscy Filmowcy i Medioznawcy. Instytut Nauk o Kulturze
Województwo Śląskie