Hans Delbrück and the Birth of Modern Military History. Works – Ideas – Reception

6 September 2024

Details about this monograph

ISBN-13 (15)


Hans Delbrück (1848–1929) was one of the most recognizable scholars of his time; his historiographical work aroused controversy not only during his life, but also after his death. He had the courage to oppose the commonly held view that academic historians have no competence to deal with the military aspects of history. He promoted the opinion that military history remains closely connected with political, social, economic and cultural issues, in which he overtook the French ‘Annales’ school. His views have permanently shaped the face of the whole specialty, and his many years of struggle to bring military history to universities led to stripping war of its false romanticism.


Author Biography

Michał Norbert Faszcza, University of Silesia in Katowice

Dr nauk humanistycznych w zakresie historii, adiunkt w Instytucie Historii Uniwersytetu Śląskiego w Katowicach; autor pięciu książek, współautor jednej, jak również autor ponad 50 artykułów i rozdziałów opublikowanych w monografiach wieloautorskich; członek zwyczajny i przewodniczący Komisji Bibliograficznej Stowarzyszenia Historyków Starożytności.


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