Phraseologisation. General approach, contrastive approach and phraseotranslation. Challenges, problems, ideas

5 February 2025

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ISBN-13 (15)


Phraseologisation, which involves the fixation of word combinations, is a universal phenomenon, occurring in every natural language, but it may structure itself differently in each language. The polylexical linguistic reproductions that result from phraseologisation are very common in everyday communication. Phraseology, which analyses fixed word associations, has recently considerably broadened the scope and area of its research, and the centre of its interest has begun to include those types of polylexical structures which in traditional phraseology were situated on the borderlands or outside the scope of this field. This state of affairs calls for a new, up-to-date view of phraseologisation, and justifies the need to revise, expand and update research in contemporary phraseology. Moreover, a major challenge in contemporary translation studies is the interlingual transfer of fixed word combinations. The results of the research in general and contrastive phraseology, as well as in the field of phraseotranslation, which are presented in this monograph may prove to be very helpful in this perspective.

Author Biography

Monika Sułkowska, University of Silesia in Katowice

Professor at the Institute of Linguistics in the Faculty of Humanities at the University of Silesia in Katowice. She deals with various issues in contemporary linguistics, in particular with phraseology in its broadest sense and analyses various aspects of the phenomenon of phraseologisation in languages. She researches phraseology in theoretical, contrastive and applied approaches, as well as develops new research areas in phraseology, such as phraseodidactics and phraseotranslation. She is the author of numerous publications, including three scientific monographs: Séquences figées. Étude lexicographique et contrastive. Question d'équivalence (2003), De la phraséologie à la phraséodidactique. Études théoriques et pratiques (2013), Le figement langagier. Approche générale, contrastive et en phraséotraduction. Défis, problèmes, conceptions (2025); dictionary: Od stóp do głów, czyli o częściach ciała i jego atrybutach. Polsko-francusko-hiszpańsko-włoski słownik wyrażeń [From Head to Toe, or about the Parts of the Body and its Attributes. Polish-French-Spanish-Italian Dictionary of Expressions] (2005); academic textbooks: Czasy i tryby we francuskich zdaniach podrzędnych [Tenses and Moods in French Subordinate Clauses] (2007, 2014), Frazeologia somatyczna w ćwiczeniach [Somatic Phraseology in Exercises] (2019), and almost 60 articles and chapters in scientific monographs published in Poland and abroad. She has presented papers at about 50 international scientific conferences. She is a member of scientific associations, including the Phraseology Committee of the Linguistics Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw and the Linguistics Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Katowice. [29.01.2025]


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