Students write fairy tales for children. Mathematical fairy tales. Part 2

19 December 2024

Details about this monograph

ISBN-13 (15)


Based on Dr Barbara Nawolska’s review:

The action of the fairy tales takes places in outer space, in fictional kingdoms, high mountains, forests, caves, islands and other fairy-tale locations. The adventures of the fairy tale characters provide an opportunity to solve various mathematical tasks embedded in the fairy tales and motivation to demonstrate the following skills:
- skills in addition and subtraction, multiplication and division, and differential comparison,
- the ability to perform clock and calendar calculations,
- knowledge of units of volume, mass, and length and calculations using them,
- understanding the value of money and the ability to perform monetary calculations.

The publication is financed from the funds awarded in the competition ‘Freedom of research - 4th edition’ within the framework of the University of Silesia in Katowice ‘Research Excellence Initiative’ programme (ZFIN 13651022)

Author Biographies

Małgorzata Bortliczek (red.), University of Silesia in Katowice

PhD, Professor of the University of Silesia – linguist, academic teacher at the Faculty of Arts and Educational Sciences of the University of Silesia in Katowice. Author and co-author of articles, linguistic monographs, and online courses. Academic interests include language in cultural texts, including language in literature for children and young people, contemporary Polish language (stylistics, culture of language, interpersonal communication, language of new media), Czech-Polish linguistics, and cultural borderland. [10.09.2024]

Renata Raszka (red.), University of Silesia in Katowice

PhD – pedagogue specializing in early childhood education, academic teacher at the Faculty of Arts and Educational Sciences of the University of Silesia in Katowice. Author and co-author of articles, monographs, and online courses. Research and teaching interests: economic education in grades I–III of primary school, education for entrepreneurship, methodology of mathematical education for children, ICT in education. [10.09.2024]


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