Other lives. The politics and ethics of mourning in the writings of Jacques Derrida

17 May 2024

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ISBN-13 (15)

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ISBN-13 (15)


This monograph is devoted to the problem of mourning in the writings of Jacques Derrida and is based on a premise that mourning offers a unique and crucial access to the political and ethical dimension of his thought. Moreover, it conditions any ethics and politics whatsoever. In order to show the legitimacy of this thesis, the monograph reconstructs the way of thought originating in Derrida's early texts and exposes the source contamination of life by death, and consequently leads to deconstruction of metaphysical assumptions regarding the concept of singular and communal life in ethical and political discourses.

The issue of mourning, therefore, provokes a more in-depth thinking about politics and ethics, which is based on a call for radical and unlimited responsibility for the mortal and singular other, and at the same time inspires to change not only the language of politics determined by ontotheology but also the political praxis itself. Therefore, the monograph unveils the necessary relationship between the thought of mourning and key political concepts (such as justice, hospitality, democracy, autoimmunity), the hyperbolic nature of which Derrida affirms in his writings.

Monografię wydano dzięki dofinansowaniu Uniwersytetu Lille
The monograph was published thanks to funding from „Uniwersytet Lille, ULR 4074 – CECILLE – Centrum Studiów nad Cywilizacjami, Językami Obcymi – i Literaturą, F-59000 Lille, Francja” (Université Lille, ULR 4074 – CECILLE – Centre d’Études en Civilisations, Langues et Lettres Étrangères, F-59000 Lille, France)

Author Biography

Aleksander Kopka, University of Silesia in Katowice

Badacz myśli Jacques’a Derridy, pracuje na Wydziale Humanistycznym UŚ w Katowicach, absolwent studiów filozoficznych na Uniwersytecie Śląskim w Katowicach; ukończył studia doktoranckie z filozofii na Uniwersytecie Jagiellońskim oraz studia doktoranckie w Centre d’Études en Civilizations, Langues et Lettres Étrangères na Uniwersytecie w Lille we Francji pod opieką profesora Thomasa Dutoit. Doktorat co-tutelle, obroniony na UJ i w Lille, poświęcony był etycznemu i politycznemu wymiarowi filozofii Derridy. Wykładał filozofię Derridy w Melbourne School of Continental Philosophy. Jego zainteresowania badawcze koncentrują się na dekonstrukcji, teorii demokracji, fenomenologii, antropologii żałoby i marksizmie. [10.10.2023]


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